IKD Blog

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Beyond Grinding: The Resurfacing Revolution

At Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group, we don't just grind, we resurface. This isn't just a name change; it's a revolution in industrial maintenance. Fueled by a commitment to innovation, quality, and safety, we’ve revamped our grinding services as Resurfacing, an approach that prioritizes equipment longevity and operational efficiency.

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A Behemoth of a Shell Section Replacement

In the lives of those working in the Rotary Equipment world, there are jobs, and there are JOBS. Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group (IKD) took on a behemoth of a shell section replacement job for a company in a western US state, and learned how much they’ve grown as a company when faced with successfully completing such a large project on time and within budget from beginning to end.

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What If It’s Not What You Think It Is?

Forty-five days. One month and fifteen days, give or take. Can you imagine if one of the most critical items in your production line went down unexpectedly for forty-five days? Most would feel pinched for an unplanned shutdown spanning a day or several, but forty-five lost production days?

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IKD in Madagascar – Quality Service Around the World

Nestled among the palms and baobabs of coastal Madagascar sit two dryers and a kiln. This type of equipment is Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group’s specialty, but on this occasion it is found in a unique environment where they can see lemurs jumping from the trees and chameleons blending into the rich, red soil. When Carlos Santana and Eric Young arrived in Madagascar after fifty-two hours of travel, they knew that this project would be different. The job was not as complex as others, but the distance, time, and environment made for a challenging experience that allowed our team to show their commitment to serving our customer when we are needed most.

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IKDU Certification Program: Building Confidence Through Application

Our IKDU classes have been popular since their launch in 2012. A good balance of classroom time, hands-on labs and Louisvillian hospitality has ushered in new and repeat customers throughout the years.

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Top Cement Producer in Latin America Continues to Produce During Pandemic

Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group recently visited one of our top customers in Latin America, Soboce. Soboce, which is part of the Peruvian group, Gloria, is headquartered in Bolivia. Bolivia has the 7th most high mortality rate in Latin America and as such has a great concern for health and safety during this pandemic. Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group has taken the proper care and necessary measures to continue providing Soboce with the same attention and optimal services they’ve come to expect from us throughout our relationship.

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Project Planning

What’s that saying again? Oh, yeah… those that fail to plan, plan to fail. Here at IKD, we take that seriously. We’ve learned through many years of rotary equipment field service and parts supply that planning is the heartbeat of a successful job. We’re proud of the growth of our planning process and very pleased that it has created stronger communication with you, our customer, and contributed to many outstanding project successes.

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A Monumental Gear Reversal

If you ever interview with Industrial Kiln & Dryer Group, you’ll likely be told during the interview, by multiple IKD employees, that one of the exciting things about working here is the chance to encounter new challenges each day. It’s true. Every customer’s equipment and process is unique and every day we set out to solve problems through sound engineering principles and detailed, caring customer service.

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Covid and the Conflict

At our core, we’re a glass half full company. We look at chaos or hurdles (something that arises frequently in the field) as opportunity for growth and exploration. Sometimes the obstacles are small and easily dealt with, while others are more complicated with potential lasting implications. Although the trickier conundrums may take extra brain power and time to figure out, we don’t shy away from conflict.

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Bonus Depreciation

We know. Taxes aren’t the most thrilling topic, but we think understanding the Tax Cuts and Job Act will lead to some sensational savings for you. We’ve compiled the highlights and we’ll try to make it as painless as possible*!

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